Christian Ministry to Kids

Pathfinders Children's Ministry

Breaking the cycle of generational poverty in Northern Nevada one child at a time

Every Child Deserves a Chance

Reaching Forgotten Children

Society calls them "Children in Transition", "At Risk Youth" and "Throw Away Kids". Jesus calls them precious and loved. There are more than 5,000 children and youth in Northern Nevada who are homeless or living in motels, shelters and trailers. These children are trapped in a cycle and culture of poverty that is extremely difficult to escape. We believe that no child should be condemned to a life of hopelessness and lack of opportunity because of the circumstances into which they were born.
We are on a mission to see that each and every child has a hope and a future.
"Bringing children to Him, so that He might touch them....." Mark 10:13
About Us

What Is Pathfinders?

Pathfinders Children’s Ministry is a non-denominational evangelical non-profit 501(c)(3) parachurch organization sponsored by 27 different local churches. We exist to reach the inner-city at-risk forgotten children and youth of Reno and Sparks, Nevada with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Learn More About Pathfinders

Be a part of the Solution

You Can Make A Difference!

Even small actions can have a big impact. Your involvement can change the trajectory of a child’s life for the better and help to break the cycle of generational poverty. Here are some of the ways that you can make a difference in the lives of children living in poverty in Northern Nevada.


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